Friday, March 14, 2014

Jammin' at Southern Palms

Even though we slept in a little later Friday morning, we got our 10,000 steps in with Ken and Bonnie that morning.  We did see the owl this morning.  Of course, I didn't have my camera with me so I will have to get her picture later.

While Ken & Bonnie made a grocery run to Wal-mart, we drove towards Umatilla looking for an RV store and a fruit stand we thought we had remembered driving by on our way here Thursday.  When we reached the RV store, Chuck went inside to look for a sewer donut.  Sounds delicious, doesn't it?  Yuck!  A sewer donut is a fitting that helps hold the the RV sewer line in more secure to the campground sewer connection.  Chuck was back in the car in less than 3 minutes and smelled like he had been sitting in a smoke filled bar all night.  The people in that RV store must have smoked non-stop.  We had to open all the windows in the car just to try to get the smoke smell out of his clothes.  

After finding an RV sewer donut at a local Ace Hardware Store, we stopped at the fruit stand we had remembered seeing.  We bought a yellow dew (which is a cross between a honeydew and a cantelope) and some very big country eggs.  Look how much bigger they are than store-bought Large Grade-A eggs:

They tasted better and at $2.75 per dozen, the eggs weren't that much more expensive than store-bought eggs.

After lunch, we all went over to the campsite the banjo lady had told us about where some fellow campers were jammin' and playing some bluegrass music.

They were really pretty good.

After listening to them for about an hour,

we walked over to the shuffleboard courts to play some shuffleboard.  We played a very close shuffleboard game which took 3 scoreboards to completely score the game!  After a hard fought match, the guys won.  Bonnie and I took pictures of our winning husbands.

Oops!  Let me try again.

I don't know what is wrong with my camera!  I'll try it again.

O.K.  By this time, the guys were laughing so hard they were about on their knees.

Finally, the winners!

After dinner and a beautiful sunset, 

we got back together for more card games at Ken and Bonnie's.  They had taught us Pinochle when we were at Pine Island and we were eager to play it again.  The guys won again.  Rrrrrrh.  No pictures of the winners this time!

And now a word from our sponsor, Vicked Puffs.  Like Chuck, Ken had been fighting some allergies over the past couple of days.  I brought Ken and Bonnie a box of Vicked Puffs and now Ken's addicted too.  :)

In fact, Chuck and Ken inhaled all through Pinochle.  

Hmmm.  I wonder if that explains their wins?  Are Vicked Puffs really PEIs or Performance Enhancing Inhalers?  :)

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