Thursday, August 8, 2013

Mt Rainier (afternoon)

After lunch, we drove up to the visitor's center near the top of Mt. Rainier and this time we were able to get a very good parking spot.

After climbing all the steps at Windy Ridge, Chuck decided to give his knees a rest while Crystal, Grant, Avery and I walked a short hike to Myrtle Falls behind the visitor's center.

The wildflowers were even more beautiful here.

After about 1/2 mile, we walked down to the Myrtle Falls overlook.

I was able to take some better close-up pictures of the glaciers surrounding Mt. Rainier.  Chuck found out in the visitor's center that some of the glaciers were 700 feet deep!  Wow!

It was a very nice little hike.

On the walk back, we saw a doe and her two fawns.

After we got back to the visitor's center, Avery and I sat and looked at Mt. Rainier a little while longer.

She was very impressed!  :)

After our visit to Mt. Rainier, we went back to the camper for supper.  Crystal had found this "portable high chair" that actually works very well.  It's a chair cover with harnesses that keeps Avery strapped to the chair.

After supper and putting Avery to bed, we sat outside around a campfire and Crystal fixed us s'mores that were very good.  (I ate two!)  :)



1 comment:

  1. What a blessing to share God's creation with family. Beautiful pictures
