Sunday, September 11, 2016

Grandparents Weekend in Atlanta

A couple of weeks ago, Crystal invited us to come to Atlanta for the weekend.  Friday was Grandparents Day at Hannah's daycare and they had tickets for us to go to the Atlanta Braves game on Sunday afternoon.  The Braves were also supposed to be having some kind of activities for grandparents and grandchildren as well.

After we picked up the motorhome Thursday afternoon and got it set back up on the site at Jellystone, we headed south to Atlanta in the car  arriving at Crystal and Grant's house around 11:30 pm.  Bright and early Friday morning, we heard Hannah and Avery and got up to see them before they were heading off to daycare and pre-school.

We arrived at Hannah's day care around 9:30.  As soon as we found her class, all the grandparents, teachers and kids headed outside on the playground.  Hannah was so glad to see us!

Hannah likes the slide...
...and the swing!
This little boy in Hannah's class adopted Chuck as his grandpa!  :)

After playing on the playground for about 30 minutes, we all went back inside for story time and songs.

And then, the kids were encouraged to show their grandparents all the different things they get to do in their class every day like arts and crafts.

After playtime, the teachers distributed a hot lunch to all the students.  All twelve students sit at little tables and serve themselves if they are able.  They had a delicious lunch of broccoli, black beans, noodles, breadsticks and apples and they have hot lunches like this every day.

We were very impressed with all the teachers did for the kids and how everything seemed so organized.  When the kids were laying down for naps, we said our good-byes to Hannah and then met her mom (Crystal) for lunch.  After Crystal had got off work and picked up Hannah, we all picked up Avery from pre-school.  Avery showed us all around her "new" school.

Later that evening, Tafanie, Cory, Bell, Emmaline and Ruby came over to Crystal and Grant's house and we all had dinner together.  While the girls played (and they do play so very well together), we all visited for awhile before the VW's had to head back home.

Saturday morning at the Robinsons began with Mickey Mouse cartoons...

...and a delicious hot breakfast prepared by Grant.  After breakfast, Grant, Chuck, Cory and a friend of theirs (Brandon) played golf at a nearby course.  While the guys were playing golf, all the girls (big and little) went to a park.  The park had a lot of nice playground equipment but the girls were most interested in playing in the man-made "creek."

Hannah and Avery waited patiently
for their cousins to arrive.

Where's Avery?  
There she is...still waiting.
All the girls got in the water as soon as the VW's arrived.
Even Ruby!
Bell and Emmaline had fun splashing each other.
Ruby liked trying to catch the water
as it spilled over the tiny waterfalls.
The "big" kids did too!
Even MiMa took her shoes and socks off to wade in the "creek."
Creek wading is over.
Time to dry our feet and go play
on the playground!
I had such a wonderful time playing with all the little girls and getting to spend time with both of my "big" girls, Tafanie and Crystal. :)

Later that evening after supper back at the Robinsons, we watched the Battle of Bristol and were very happy that the Tennessee Vols won the battle!

On Sunday morning, we went to church with both families.  We got to see Ruby in her new dress that we had given her for her birthday.

"Am I a cutie, or what?"  

After church, we had a perfect opportunity to get some new pictures with all 5 granddaughters.  Aren't they precious!

After giving our good-bye hugs to Tafanie & Cory and their girls, we headed back to Crystal & Grant's to get ready to go to the Braves game.  We went with another couple from their church, Eric and Carrie and their two boys from whom Crystal and Grant had bought all our tickets.

We got there in time for a tribute to the 9-11 victims, a flyover, and the national anthem.

Our seats were just a few rows back from the outfield,

but the sun was a scorcher.

Since the stadium was not full, we moved up to find seats where we could be in the shade.

After the game, kids and grandparents could run the bases!  We walked all the way around the stadium and found the back of the line (two flights up) for running the bases after the game.  While we waited in line, Avery practiced her gymnastics!  :)

The line finally started moving...

...and then we were finally on the field.

Avery practiced her climbing while we
waited to run the bases.  
After standing in line with what seemed like at least 1,000 kids and parents and grandparents,

the kids and grandparents got to run the bases.

This is the last year the Atlanta Braves will be playing at Turner Field.  It's pretty cool that we got to run the bases with Avery and Hannah before the Braves no longer play there!

Wow!  What a busy, fun Grandparents Weekend in Atlanta!  We are so blessed!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a phenomenal time in Atlanta with all those little ones and big ones. Love the red dress. I always enjoy seeing pictures of your family.
