Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A snow hike

It was our last day at Glacier.  :(

We decided to try again to hike to the Hidden Lake Overlook at Logan's Pass.  We waited until late enough in the day that the temperatures would be warmer up on the mountain and the crowds would be dying down.

The ride up to Logan's Pass was just as beautiful today as it had been every other day we had traveled up here.  I kept taking pictures of the same things we had already seen...

...hoping to maybe...

...just maybe...

.. capture the beauty and the vastness of Glacier National Park.  But as we look at these pictures and remember the views in our minds, we are reminded that no photograph or movie can possibly capture the awesomeness of God's creation.  Glacier must be experienced to understand how beautifully immense it is.  We were very blessed to have experienced Glacier.

When we arrived at Logan's Pass, the parking lot was full and we had to ride around for a few minutes waiting for a spot to open up.  After parking the car, we walked up behind the visitor center and began hiking the trail to Hidden Lake Overlook.

The trail heading out from the back of the visitor center towards Mount Logan is initially paved and then becomes a series of boardwalks and steps.

The views were....gorgeous.

The snow was melting with the water running everywhere.

We continued up the boardwalks...

...and then began hiking across the snow.

I sure was glad we had our walking sticks.  This picture should remind my mom and daughters of another snowy adventure many years ago.  :)

We carefully walked across this long snow field.

This large marmot ran across the trail in front of me.

Waterfalls sprouted from the snow melt.

After the very long snow field,

the trail alternated back and forth between gravel...

...and snow.

And the views again were spectacular.

Here, we walked across a bridge with a wall of snow on both sides.

Then up more gravel...

...and very carefully up more snow.

The snow on the trail diminished as we got closer to the top and reached this pond.

We saw these little ground squirrels everywhere.

We stopped and rested at the pond for a few minutes before heading the rest of the way.

A lot of the remaining trail to Hidden Lake Overlook was wet from the melting snow.

And then we finally reached Hidden Lake Overlook and it was stunning!

Here is a video clip to give you a better panoramic view.

We could see Sperry Glacier in the background,

Hidden Lake below,

and some mountain goats too.

Coincidentally, there was another full-timer couple at the overlook; so we stood there talking with them and enjoying the view for a long while before turning around and heading back down the trail.

On the walk back, we saw this big mountain goat kicking up the dust around him,

and another marmot.

After crossing the big snowfield, we stopped for one more picture with the Glacier Mountains behind us.

And then one more.

And then the last one.

On the way back home, we also had to get one last look at that crystal...




It's official.  Glacier National Park is now (in our opinion) the most beautiful place we have seen.  
To see all our pictures from Glacier National Park, go to:


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