Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday...a restful day

We went to church Sunday morning in Sheridan and spent most of the afternoon not doing much of anything at all.  Our neighbor stopped by and told Chuck about this sporting goods store in town that had given him all this information about where to fly-fish and what types of lures to use.  We had always heard that fly-fishing was supposed to be great out west and Chuck had wanted to try it sometime.  So we drove to Rocky Mountain Discount Sports to see what we could find out about fly-fishing in the area.

When we walked back to the counter near the fishing items, Chuck asked the salesman if he could give us any information about fly-fishing in the area.  He said he didn't know anything about fly-fishing except that the people that have come in have talked about all the ticks they get.  He said he only bass fished and that he had never gotten bitten by a tick in a bass boat.  :)  He told us one of the guys at the front desk knew all about fly-fishing and we should go talk to him.

We walk up to the front desk where there was two guys working.  Chuck asked which one of them could help him with where the best place was to fish and what type of lures.  One of the guys said he could try to help us but he had only been fly-fishing once and the other guy didn't fish at all.  What kind of sporting goods store is this?  We left there disappointed with no information and re-named the store "The No-Fly Zone." :)

We went back home and started working on our "not doing much of anything at all" again.  A little later in the evening Chuck happened to notice the sunset out the window and suggested we go outside to watch it...a wonderful idea!

It was beautiful.  In fact, there were several people outside watching it and taking pictures.  Closest to the horizon, the sky looked like it was on fire...

...but changed into beautiful pink, purple, and blue colors higher in the sky.

Just beautiful!





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