Saturday, August 30, 2014

Fun Times Inside Too!

Everyone slept great and didn't get up until nearly 8 am when it was time for Hannah's first bottle of the day.  After we got up, Crystal and Grant noticed that Avery had an eye infection and decided to take her to a walk-in clinic as soon as we could.  In this little town of Carrabelle, we found a clinic one mile down the road and got an appointment for 10:30 Friday morning.

We decided to eat out for breakfast at 2 Als Cafe which is also very close to the campground.  As soon as we were finished with breakfast, Crystal and I took Avery to the doctor while Grant, Chuck and Hannah went back to the motorhome.  After the doctor examined Avery's eye, he said he thought she had pink-eye (which is very contagious) and prescribed some medicine for her.  We then went to the one pharmacy in town to pick up her prescription.  Fortunately, we were careful and none of us contracted the eye infection from Avery.

After we got back to the camper, Avery laid down for a nap while we played some cards.  Hannah wasn't quite ready for her nap...

 so she just watched...

...and showed us how she can balance a ball on her toes!  :)

Then she helped Pa play SkipBo.  :)

Of course, she loves getting kisses from her mommy!

For dinner, Chuck grilled pork steaks which were delicious!  This was Crystal and Grant's first time to have grilled pork steaks and they liked them too.  After dinner, the girls played a little bit longer before bedtime.

Avery thought Hannah would really look cool wearing some beads.  :)

With the girls asleep by 8 pm again, we played a game of SkipBo and Wits 'n Wagers and were asleep ourselves by 10:30 again.

On Saturday morning, Crystal and Grant took Avery to the beach for a couple of hours while Chuck and I stayed at the camper and played with Hannah.  Later that afternoon, we drove to Apalachicola for a delicious seafood dinner at Papa Joe's Oyster Bar & Grill. After dinner, we walked to the Old Time Soda Fountain in downtown Apalachicola.  Chuck had a root beer float and Crystal and I had a dip of ice cream. We did the Avery taste test and she liked my chocolate peanut butter ice cream better than Crystal's chocolate mint ice cream.  :)

After we got back to the motorhome, Avery and I played a little bit seeing how many stickers we can put on MiMa's arm...

...and coloring in her coloring book a little while too.

We also made a paper hat for Hannah.  :)

Again, the girls were asleep by around 8 and we played some cards while we watched a little SEC football.  We are SO GLAD that college football season has finally arrived!!!

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