Sunday, April 3, 2016

Springtime in Atlanta

When we left Eustis, Florida, on Wednesday, March 23, we thought that we would most likely stop somewhere overnight before coming to Atlanta.  We were making good time and the traffic was not too bad so we drove all the way to Stone Mountain and pulling into site #292A for one night.  We met Tafanie, Cory, Bell, Emmaline and Ruby at Chick-fil-a for Bell's birthday dinner and then went over to see Crystal, Grant, Avery and Hannah.  We couldn't believe how much all the girls had grown!

On Thursday, we moved to site #297 which was our site for the next week.  We knew the site was going to be a challenge to level because it was very low at the back of the site.  But we were patient with one another and were able to get level using nearly all of our stacking yellow blocks.  And the bonus was that we were able to get out with satellite which we were not expecting with all the trees.

Tafanie, Bell, Emmaline and Ruby came over later that afternoon and we surprised the girls with some purses that I had crocheted (for all 5 granddaughters) that also serve as baby doll bassinets.

Tafanie told us how Ruby was really "in" to baby dolls and she really liked hers too.

We had planned to have a Easter egg hunt outside but it was rainy and messy so Tafanie and Chuck hid Easter eggs in the living room and kitchen of the motorhome while the girls and I waited in the back.  They had fun finding all the eggs and then had even more fun with Pa tickling them.  Ruby kept saying and signing "more."  :)  Watch:

Later that evening, we went back over to Crystal and Grant's and gave Avery and Hannah their purses and had an Easter egg hunt in their living room.

All the girls are very good Easter egg finders!  :)

On Friday, Chuck and I went for a walk that morning and as usual found 4 or 5 golf balls along our walk.  We ran a couple of errands and Crystal and the girls went to Costco with us.  That evening we went with the Robinsons to Figo's Pasta where we met 3 other families for dinner before walking to their church for a very moving Good Friday service.

Grant, Avery and Hannah invited us to go to the Atlanta Zoo with them on Saturday while Crystal had to go into work for a little while.

We were greeted by lots of pink flamingos after we first entered the zoo.

Avery showed the flamingos at the zoo her pretty shirt with the pink flamingos on it.

Then we saw the elephants, pandas, and a black bear.

At one point, we lost Pa when he waited to see the tigers come out.

Our favorite animals of the day were the giraffes.

Some of the giraffes were running -- something none of us had ever seen.  When they run, they look like they are in slow motion.  Watch:

We finished up our zoo visit with a picture of a sweet two-faced lion.  :)

On Easter Sunday, we were all invited to the Busby's house along with three other families for a delicious Easter brunch with everyone bringing their own special dishes.  After brunch, they had an Easter egg hunt in their living room.  The weather was just not cooperating for Easter egg hunts this weekend!  The youngest children were given a head start on finding eggs...

...and then all the children began hunting for the eggs...

...and finding them everywhere!

Thank you Busbys for hosting such a wonderful Easter brunch!

On Monday, Crystal invited us to meet her at Taqueria del Sol for a delicious lunch.

And on Tuesday, all the Van Wyngardens came out to Stone Mountain to have fun at the campground's new and bigger playground and then have hot dogs at our place for dinner.

On Wednesday, we picked up Bell and took her out for some belated birthday fun!  We bought a couple of books at Barnes and Nobles and then had ice cream at Yogli Mogli's.

After leaving Yogli Mogli's, we went to Target and found some cute shorts and tops for Bell (which she picked out), a Lego set, and some sunglasses for all 3 VW girls!  :)

I think Pa liked working on the Lego set as much as Bell did!

We walked almost every morning at Stone Mountain...

...and the "golf ball whisperer" found golf balls every day.

On Friday, we had to change sites again and moved to another even more unlevel site #302.  We were set up again within a couple of hours.  Later that evening, Crystal, Avery and Hannah came over to camp with us for the weekend while Grant and Cory and 4 other guys went on a "guy's weekend" backpacking trip in the north Georgia mountains.

We had a campfire which was a little small but Avery and Hannah didn't mind!

And they really liked the ice cream sandwiches for dessert.

After putting the girls to bed, Crystal and I enjoyed gourmet s'mores made of cinnamon graham crackers, Hershey's dark chocolate, and marshmallows.

After breakfast on Saturday morning, the girls enjoyed going to the playground, riding their bikes, and playing outside.

They also enjoyed eating their lunch outside too.

It was kind of chilly so we went back inside and warmed up...

...and a couple of  us "big girls" sneaked a little bit of dark chocolate too.  :)

We played a game of 5 Crowns before everyone got to take a nap for a little while anyways.

After naps, Crystal and the girls headed back to their house and we joined them later for dinner.  We had originally planned on staying until Monday and Crystal was going to camp with us until Sunday but our toilet pedal broke on Friday and we had to get back to Nashville to get it fixed first thing Monday morning.

What a busy 10 days in Atlanta but what a wonderful Easter blessing to get to spend it with all our girls (and boys)!  :)

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