Tuesday, March 17, 2015

One More Trip to Manasota

We realized after we got to Myakka River State Park that we were only about 30 miles from Manasota Beach.  On Tuesday morning, we got up early, packed all our beach gear and a picnic lunch and drove to Manasota Beach.  We arrived around 9 am before the crowds and had our pick of parking spots and beach spots.

Because we were wanting to find lots of shark's teeth and seaglass, we walked southwards on the beach in the same direction as where Ernie, Ken and Chuck had gone and found so many shark's teeth.  It was a beautiful morning for a walk along the beach.

This Great Blue Heron seemed to be enjoying the morning too.

Actually, I think he was hoping to get a bite of this man's fish that he just caught:

a sheepshead fish that are supposedly very tasty for both man and Great Blue Herons.  :)

While Chuck was looking for shark's teeth along our walk (and finding a lot), I looked for a few pictures. :)

After we walked past The Pearl, a small motel on the beach, the beach became more narrow...

...but still beautiful.

It's kind of funny watching people walking on the beach -- particularly here at Manasota.  So many people are looking down searching for shells, shark's teeth, seaglass, or whatever treasures they might come across.  We were doing the same thing.  But sometimes, you need to look up...

...and gratefully remember where all of our blessings come from!  Thank you, Jesus!

We continued walking a little further but then turned around and headed back because we were both ready for some lunch.  Not nearly as crowded at this end of the beach!

It took us a little while to find our stuff because by the time we got back, Manasota Beach was filled with people.  We enjoyed our lunch and took a little snooze.  Before we left, I walked a short distance up the beach and when I got back, guess who Chuck was talking too?  Ernie.  What was really funny was that Ernie and Noela had walked in the same direction of the beach as we had earlier and we didn't see each other.  I guess we were all busy looking down for shark's teeth and seaglass.  :)  

We were so glad to run into them and we made plans for them to join us at Myakka on Wednesday so we could hike to the Deep Hole together.  :)

After we returned back to the camper, Chuck washed all the shark's teeth and seaglass.  We collected 280 sharks' teeth and 6 pieces of seaglass.  Our biggest find yet!

Another great and blessed day at Manasota Beach!

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