Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Heading Back North

On Monday morning, we were hooked up and ready to leave Royal Coachmen CG around 7:45.  We very sadly said our good-byes to Ken and Bonnie.  What a fun month it has been!

Few words were spoken because tears were close to spilling over for everyone.  But we gave each other great big hugs, wished each others' families the best, and are looking forward to seeing each other next year!  

Except for one slowdown in traffic north of Tampa, we made very good time and arrived at Wanee Lake Golf & RV Park around 3 pm.  Wanee Lake was our first exposure to fall colors this year.  

Part of the reason we stopped at Wanee was to play a round of golf and practice pickleball on their tennis courts.  We got site #2, the same site we had back in August.  We relaxed and just watched a little TV Monday night.  

After breakfast on Tuesday, we walked up to the tennis court to practice pickleball.  I quickly discovered that I am not healed up from my left side strain and my right hip pain.  We practiced volleying the ball back and forth for about 20 minutes but that was about all I could do.  

Chuck went to the Piggly Wiggly and bought us some more pork steaks to go in the freezer.  After lunch, Chuck played a round of golf while I drove him around in the golf cart.  Wanee Lake really is a pretty little course.

We were back at the camper by 5 pm and decided to sit outside for awhile and enjoy what for us will be our last day of summer.  

Based on the weather forecast, it sounds like we will be heading straight into winter as the temps are predicted drop into the 20's in Atlanta and Nashville later in the week.  We can't complain though.  We have been in summer weather almost all year!  And we're looking forward to seeing our daughters and their families this week in Atlanta and my mom and the rest of our family over Thanksgiving.  

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